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Rare Birds Newsletter no. 54

SecretBirdsHQ, an emerging market entrepreneurship community for women and girls. Empowering, encouraging and supporting female entrepreneurship.

August 03, 2016

"Fighters for a just world must be eternal educators and they must deny ignorance its power"

Year At A Glance 2015

March 30, 2016

Integrity Women In Business Center Inc.’s mission is to inspire economic development in the Terri-tory of the Virgin Islands. Our programs provide management and technical assistance to VI resi-dents, especially women who are economically or socially disadvantaged. Our innovative and multi-lingual training and counseling programs are geared to help our diverse population get out into the ever changing, competitive workforce or start and grow sustainable small businesses.

October- November, 2015


Integrity Women In Business Center Inc.’s mission is to inspire economic development in the Territory
of the Virgin Islands. Our programs provide management and technical assistance to VI residents,
especially women who are economically or socially disadvantaged.










Honor Labor!

August- September, 2015

We will be Celebrating the Women of our Community, engaging in networking events, sponsorship opportunities, the 2015 VI Women's LeadHership Symposium and LeadHership Cruise and last our new new FB Fan Page is up and running. 


The Summer Month’s are filled with exciting times and new beginnings.

May 20, 2015

Surely women’s move-ments are on the rise and very active; with the National Women’s Initiative—"When Women Succeed, Amer-ica Succeeds"….bringing great awareness to the issues of today’s women in America.

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